

3월 9, 2015 - 3월 15, 2015


1. Design of a Low-Latency, High-Reliability Wireless Communication System for Control Applications.

2. EARQ: Energy Aware Routing for Real-Time and Reliable Communication in Wireless Industrial Sensor Networks

Many others

15% Progress
Last Week's Progress

A. Defining Goals & Research targets for Research
(The most hardest part of research)

B. Building knowledge base regarding IoT.
b1. Comarative analysis of Legacy standards & Protocols for IoT (IIoT) Industrial Wireless Sensor Network

Focus Area: Wireless Communication (Network Protocol) Stack infrastructure for IIoT

C. Abstract submission for ICROS Domestic Conference

This Week Todo's

1. Refining the goals further (Comparative Study)

2. Coparative analysis & Investigation of WSN communication standards

4. ICROS Abstract Submittal

Project Progress

Virtualization Battle Ship

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Learning how to understanding Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
- Explore HyperV and XenServer Virtualization
- Software and Hardware requirement for HyperV and XenServer
> Software
> Memory
> Storage or I/O
- Installing and Configure VMware through server project
> Install and configure XenServer
> Install and configure Ubuntu OS purposing test KVM

This Week's Project

- Learning storage virtualization
> Classify.
> Consideration things.
> Product of storage.
> Thick/thin provisioning.
> Desktop virtualization/VDI trend.
- Design of storage virtualization
- Testing performance storage virtualization

Monthly Goals

[A] Design of Virtualization
[A] Complete Paper that submitted on IEEK Domestic Conference 2015

Annual Goals

2 Journal SCI papers and 3 conference papers