

3월 9, 2015 - 3월 15, 2015


Title 1. (Conf.) Performance Analysis of Multiple-Computer as Real Application Clusters (RAC)
Based on Storage Area Network (SAN). (IEEK Domestic Conference 2015).

95% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[A] Title 1 Performance Analysis of Multiple-Computer as Real Application Clusters (RAC) Based on
Storage Area Network (SAN)
- Revised
1. Arranging some word more specific.
2. Reduce some pages become 2 pages.
3. Almost done. The title should be translated to Korean language based on IEEK Domestic
Conference 2015.

This Week Todo's

[A] Title 1 Performance Analysis of Multiple-Computer as Real Application Clusters (RAC) Based on
Storage Area Network (SAN)
- Submit abstract

Project Progress

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Critical Study of IoT Domain knowledge.
2. Focusing on the Network, Device and communication infrastructure

3. Meeting session with Prof.Heo on IoT Project for Exhibition in August.

This Week's Project

a. The team member selection for IoT Project.

b. Real Time IoT Systems
c. Design
d. Goals
e. Directions

Monthly Goals

Annual Goals

1. 2 Journal Publications

2. Some International Conference paper