

3월 16, 2015 - 3월 22, 2015


Title 1: Effective Relaying Selection Algorithm for Dual-hop Distributed Wireless Networks.
Title 2: Medmon: Securing Medical Devices Through Wireless Monitoring and Anomaly Detection
Title 3: GPS/INS integrated navigation based on UKF and simulated annealing optimized SVM.

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

A.Title 1: Preparing document to apply ICROS 2015 domestic conference
Finished Title, abstract, introduction, proposed algorithm and simulation results.
B.Title 2:
Reviewed and sent to Mr. Pardaboy to support Medical IT project.
C.Title 3: Probability subject– Professor Yang:
Studying and reviewing paper.

This Week Todo's

Title 1: Finish conclusion.
Title 2: Finding more Journal papers to support Mr. Pardaboy.
Title 3: Continuous reading paper.

Project Progress


3% Progress
Last Week's Project

1) Reading Security.
2) Traffic-Shapping.

This Week's Project

1)NIC teaming policies.
2)Load balancing method
3)Detecting and handling network failure.

Reading “A survey of requirements, protocols and challenges in Industrial Wireless Sensor Network” to figure out direction in my research.

Monthly Goals

Annual Goals

• 1 international journal.
• 2 international conferences.