

3월 16, 2015 - 3월 22, 2015


A. Enhanced Zone Routing Protocol using Insect Behavior

B1. Reliable and Energy-Efficient Communication for Wireless Biomedical Implant Systems

B2. Energy-Efficient Security in Implantable Medical Devices

C. Improving the IEEE 802.15.4e-LLDN through the Priority-aware Multichannel Adaptive (PriMulA) framework

15% Progress
Last Week's Progress

A. Wrote the abstract

B[B1,B2]. Reviewed these paper and provided them for Paraboy in Medicine-based ICT project

C. Reviewed the journal paper

This Week Todo's

A. Completing the Introduction, Enhanced Zone Routing Determination Algorithm and simulation results.

B[B1,B2]. Finding more the journal/conference papers related to the project

C. Completing the review form of the journal paper and submitting to Long

Project Progress

IoT Platform

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

Reading IoT Platform and Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) protocol.

This Week's Project

Continue to read the papers about IoT platform: " Design of Real Time Multimedia platform and Protocol to the Internet of Thing" and MMS protocol.

Monthly Goals

• Completing the weekly aims

• Completing the domestic conference paper to apply for ICROS 2015

Annual Goals

• 2 domestic conferences

• 2 international conferences

• 1 international journal