

5월 6, 2013 - 5월 12, 2013


[1] Flexible LDPC Decoder using Stream Data Processing for 802.11n and 802.16e
[2] A Parallel IRRWBF LDPC Decoder Based on Stream-Based Processor
[3] Performance Evaluation of a Novel Converged Architecture for Digital-Video Transmission Over
Optical Wireless Channels

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Complete Milcom Paper Submission.
- Read Coding scheme
- write down IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS for LDPC coding scheme

This Week Todo's

- check Milcom submitted Paper.
- Read Coding scheme
- write down IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS for LDPC coding scheme

Project Progress

Samsung Thales project for Network virtualization and SDN

100% Progress
Last Week's Project

- prepare report for samsung thales project
- Team meeting at 2012/05/01
- Check a percentntage of the process.
- Searching and data gathering of 'Virtualization'

This Week's Project

- presents the report for samsung thales project for network virtualization and SDN [2013/5/8 1pm]

Monthly Goals

- fnish IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS for LDPC coding scheme.
- fully understand and write the ppt file for Network Virtualization.

Annual Goals

- Write down international Conference 2 Paper.
- Write down domestic Conference 2 paper.
- Individual research about 'Coding scheme' to apply for Real-time sysyem.