

3월 23, 2015 - 3월 29, 2015


[1] Title 1: Enhanced Zone Routing Protocol using Insect Behavior

[2] Title 2: Improving the IEEE 802.15.4e-LLDN through the Priority-aware Multichannel Adaptive (PriMulA) framework

[3] Title 3: A survey on Delay-aware multipath routing protocols in Industrial Mobile Ad Hoc Network

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] Title 1: Wrote the introduction, the algorithm and simulation results

[2] Title 2: Completed the form of review for the paper and then summitted to Long

[3] Title 3: Wrote the abstract on Latex tool.

This Week Todo's

[1] Title 1: Revising the previous parts and completing the conclusion and the references.

[2] Title 3: Writing the introduction and the delay-aware multipath routing protocols

Project Progress

IoT platform and Medicine based ICT

15% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Read the paper "Design of Real Time Multimedia platform and Protocol to the Internet of Thing" for IoT platform.

This Week's Project

1. Finding the information related to Policy for the project "Medicine based ICT"

2. Waiting for new assignment in IoT platform project

Monthly Goals

• Completing the weekly aims

• Completing the domestic conference paper to apply for ICROS 2015

• Studying Matlab and NS-2 Softwares

Annual Goals

• 2 domestic conferences

• 2 international conferences

• 1 international journal