

5월 7, 2013 - 5월 13, 2013


[1] Adaptive Cache Routing for Mitigating the Intermittent Connectivity in VANET.
[2] Real Time Recovery Scheme of distributed Control Networks for Naval Combat Systems.
[3] Network Recovery Scheme on Switched Ethernet for Naval Combat Systems.

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Complete Milcom Paper Submission.
- Read Tanenbaum's Computer Network [Layer 4.Part]
- Write down Soo-Ro's Journal [Domestic] __ 30%
- Write down Tung's Journal [Domestic] __ 10%

This Week Todo's

- Write down above two domestic journals and jeju conference paper.

Project Progress

Samsung Thales

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Team meeting at 2012/05/01
- Check a percentntage of the process.
- Searching and data gathering of 'Virtualization'

-...Attends my grandfather's funeral ceremony..

This Week's Project

- Presentation about SDN at Samsung Thales. [2013/5/8 1pm]

Monthly Goals

- Complete the paper, such as MILCOM, two journals and Jeju conference paper.

Annual Goals

- Write down international Conference 2 Paper.
- Write down domestic Conference 2 paper.
- Individual research about 'VANET' for my final thesis.