

3월 23, 2015 - 3월 29, 2015


Analyze the performance of Cloud Computing Center using GPSS

95% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Reading papers related to the Cloud Computing center
- Submitting abstract based on conference template
- Preparing draft version

This Week Todo's

- Organize the paper on conference template
- Submit the paper

Project Progress

Medical ICT Convergence Technology

7% Progress
Last Week's Project

• Collecting papers related to Medical ICT Convergence Technology
• Reading papers in order to take basic information about the project
• Categorizing papers related works for the project

This Week's Project

• Analyzing them based on template
• Studying Personal Area Networks
• Continue researching on Medical ICT

Monthly Goals

- Research on network technologies used for data transmission on Medical ICT
- Improving skills of Opnet, Matlab and NS-2 tools

Annual Goals

- Complete project Medical ICT Convergence Technology
- 1 international journal
- 2 international conferences