

3월 23, 2015 - 3월 29, 2015


Title 1. (Conf.) Implementation of Real Time System using Dual vXen Server for Naval Combat System.(IEEK Domestic Conference 2015)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1. (Conf.) Implementation of Real Time System using Dual vXen Server for Naval Combat System.(IEEK Domestic Conference 2015)

- Submitted abstract paper
- Setup environment of system
* Configuring vXen (done) and storage (in progress)
- Testing system
* Ping RTT (done) and failover (in progress, its depend on SR)

This Week Todo's

Title 1. (Conf.) Implementation of Real Time System using Dual vXen Server for Naval Combat System.(IEEK Domestic Conference 2015)

Configuring vXen (done) and storage (in progress)
- Configure SR
- Testing system
* Failover (in progress, its depend on SR)

Project Progress


70% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Setup Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM)
* Installing and Configuring Lubuntu (OS)
* Installing and Configuring KVM as VDI
- Submitted Report Setup KVM to Project Leader

This Week's Project

- Waiting for next tasks, meanwhile trying to explore KVM migrate to another VM.

Monthly Goals

[A] Complete Paper that submitted on IEEK Domestic Conference 2015
[B] Complete project virtualization

Annual Goals

2 Journal SCI papers and 3 conference papers