

4월 6, 2015 - 4월 12, 2015


A. An Efficient Bandwidth-Aware Routing Algorithm for Friendly Communication in Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Sensor Networks, In Preparation, MILCOM 2015.

85% Progress
Last Week's Progress

A. An Efficient Bandwidth-Aware Routing Algorithm for Friendly Communication in Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Sensor Networks, In Preparation, MILCOM 2015.

• Get the simulation results about optimal capacity
• Write simulation results section

This Week Todo's

A. An Efficient Bandwidth-Aware Routing Algorithm for Friendly Communication in Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Sensor Networks, In Preparation, MILCOM 2015.

• Extend simulation results section
• Trimming the whole paper and finish the paper

Project Progress

Industrual-IoT platform based on microMMS

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Read papers and books related MMS and IoT
- Read about Intel Edison board

This Week's Project

- Read papers and books related MMS and IoT
- Compare MMS source code to MicroMMS
- Study more about MMS source code

Monthly Goals

A. An Efficient Bandwidth-Aware Routing Algorithm for Friendly Communication Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Sensor Networks, In Preparation, MILCOM 2015.
• Submit to MILCOM conference

B. Successfully finish part of project

Annual Goals

A. Submit paper to international conference and journal
B. Finish project