

4월 13, 2015 - 4월 19, 2015


{1}Design of Bio-inspired Massage Management Algorithm-based Variable Monitoring System for Military IoT(in preparation)
{2}Cooperative Transmission Scheme for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks(in preparation)

95% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1]paper work
-rewirte the introduction
-update the algorith about relays selection
[2]prepare the Lab's seminar
[3]prepare the graduation's test
[4]Study the OOP using C++
[5]study Data structures using C
[6]Find correction
1. Tran Nhon, D.-S. Kim, "Real-Time Message Scheduling for ISA100.11a Networks", Computer Standard and Interfaces (IF: 1.177, ISSN: 0920-5489), DOI:10.1016/j.csi.2014.06.003, 2014.
->Tran Nhon, D.-S. Kim, "Real-Time Message Scheduling for ISA100.11a Networks", Computer Standard and Interfaces(IF: 1.177, ISSN: 0920-5489), Volume 37, Pages 73-79, January 2015.
2. D. D. Tan, D.-S. Kim, "Dynamic Traffic-Aware Routing Algorithm for Multi-Sink Wireless Sensor Networks", Wireless Networks (IF: 1.055, ISSN: 1572-8196), Vol.19, No.8, 2013.
->D. D. Tan, D.-S. Kim, "Dynamic Traffic-Aware Routing Algorithm for Multi-Sink Wireless Sensor Networks", Wireless Networks(IF: 1.055, ISSN: 1572-8196), Volume 20, Issue 6, pp 1239-1250, August 2014.

This Week Todo's

[1]paper work
-update simulation part
-submit {2} paper to IEIE journal
[2]study the OPNET
[3]Study the OOP using C++
[4]study Data structures using C

Project Progress

real-time MMS& Capsule endoscopy

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1]Design the system and Research how to implement it
[2]Study the OOP using C++

This Week's Project

[1]Design the system and Research how to implement it
[2]Study the OOP using C++

Monthly Goals

1. study one book for OOP using c++
2. submit the paper to IEIE

Annual Goals

1 publish the paper in SCI grade
2 get score level IH in OPIC
3 Learning C(done),C++(ing),Data Structures(ing),MFC