

4월 13, 2015 - 4월 19, 2015


- Software-Defined Real-time Switched Ethernet (B)
- Enhanced Cumulative Load-Aware Routing in Software-Defined Networks (B)
- Finding paper for next week seminar (A)

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Software-Defined Real-time Switched Ethernet (B)
Finding possible manner to setup priority queue in OpenvSwitch
Read about network calculus to calculate delay bound *
- Enhanced Cumulative Load-Aware Routing in Software-Defined Networks (B)
Implement new algorithm in OpenIRIS
Trimming according to IEEE Communication Letter

Finding paper for next week seminar (A)

This Week Todo's

- Software-Defined Real-time Switched Ethernet (B)
Finding possible manner to setup priority queue in OpenvSwitch
Read about network calculus to calculate delay bound *
- Enhanced Cumulative Load-Aware Routing in Software-Defined Networks (B)
Implement new algorithm in OpenIRIS
Trimming according to IEEE Communication Letter

Prepare for seminar (A)

Project Progress

Samsung Thales Project

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Waiting for next task

This Week's Project

- Waiting for next task

Monthly Goals

-Complete 2 papers

Annual Goals

-Master in OPNET