

4월 20, 2015 - 4월 26, 2015


Title 1: Effective Relaying Selection Algorithm for Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks
Title 2: Distributed Relaying Selection Protocol for Multi-hop Industrial Wireless Networks.
Title 3: Energy Efficiency Analysis of Some Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Transmission Schemes in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Title 4: A stabilized dual Kalman filter for adaptive tracking of brain-computer interface decoding parameters

15% Progress
Last Week's Progress

A. Title 1: Waiting for results
B. Title 2: Finished survey
C. Title 3: Prepare for seminar
D. Title 4: Prepare for mid-term presentation.

This Week Todo's

Title 3: Prepare for seminar.
Title 4: Prepare for mid-term presentation.

Project Progress


8% Progress
Last Week's Project

Install VMware VDI:
+Creat Virtual Machines
+Install Operating Systems
+Install vCenter program
+Configure vCenter Server
+Install Connection Server
+Configure Connection Server

This Week's Project

Waiting for new tasks

Monthly Goals

Learning about simulation tools: MATLAP.
Reading more related papers to look for ideas to write papers.

Annual Goals

• 1 international journal.
• 2 international conferences.