

4월 27, 2015 - 5월 3, 2015


Title 1: An Optimal Cooperative Clustering for Relaying Scheme in Green Internet of Things. (Globecom 2015)
Title 2: An Efficient Relaying Selection Scheme in Tactical Multi hop Wireless Networks. (Milcom 2015)
Title 3: Efficient Cooperative Relaying Selection Scheme-based on TDMA for Industrial Multi-Hop Wireless Network. (IEEE transaction on Industrial Informatics)

92% Progress
Last Week's Progress

A. Title 1:
A.1. reviewing 3 reference papers relating to IoT:
• Jun Huang, Yu Meng, Xuehong Gong, Yanbing Liu, Qiang Duan, “A Novel Deployment Scheme for Green Internet of Things”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, April 2014.
A.2. writing the stage transmission in the model.
A.3. simulating in Opnet Modeler.
B. Title 2:
B.1. reviewing reference papers:
• Ghasem Naddafzadeh-Shirazi, Peng-Yong Kong, Chen-Khong Tham, “Optimal Cooperative Relaying Schemes in IR-UWB Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, July 2010.
B.2. preparing the simulation by Opnet Modeler.
B.3. modifying some sections.
C. Title 3:
C.1. simulating in Matlab.
C.2. modifying some sections.

This Week Todo's

A. Title 1:
A.1. reviewing 3 reference papers relating to IoT:
• Jun Huang, Yu Meng, Xuehong Gong, Yanbing Liu, Qiang Duan, “A Novel Deployment Scheme for Green Internet of Things”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, April 2014.
A.2. writing the stage transmission in the model.
A.3. simulating in Opnet Modeler.
B. Title 2:
B.1. reviewing reference papers:
• Yang Song, Xiaoyan Zhu, Yuguang Fang, Hailin Zhang, “Threshold Optimization for Rate Adaptation Algorithms in IEEE 802.11 WLANs”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, January 2010.
B.2. preparing the simulation by Opnet Modeler.
B.3. modifying some sections.
C. Title 3:
C.1. submit to Milcom website.

Project Progress

IoT platform

23% Progress
Last Week's Project

o Connecting sensors to kit.
o Programming for kit.

This Week's Project

o Connecting sensors to kit.
o Programming for kit.

Monthly Goals

• Finishing the weekly aims.
• Finishing the subject successfully in all semesters

Annual Goals

• 1 international journal.
• 2 international conferences.