

June 8, 2015 - June 14, 2015


A: Connectivity Maintenance and Load Balancing scheme in Industrial WLANs via Mobile Machines
B: Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithm for Industrial WLAN
C: WBAN data scheduling and aggregation under WBAN/WLAN healthcare network

5% Progress
Last Week's Progress

A and B: Read reference papers to understand main goal of the papers
C: Read the paper for seminar

This Week Todo's

A and B: Modify and Rewrite the papers
C: Prepare presentation for seminar

Project Progress

Medical ITC Convergence Technology

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Prepare Presentation

This Week's Project

- wait next tasks

Monthly Goals

- Research on Industrial wireless sensor network
- Improving skills of Opnet and Matlab

Annual Goals

- Complete project Medical ITC Convergence Technology
- 1 international journal
- 2 international conferences