

6월 15, 2015 - 6월 21, 2015


{1}Design of Optimal Node Deployment Algorithm-based Variable Monitoring System for Military IoT(in preparation)
{2}Cooperative Transmission Scheme for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks(waiting for submission)
{3}Scheduling Algorithm for Downlink Network of Military Satellite Systems(ETFA2015_in submission)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1]paper work
-update papar{1}
-study Reouting Algorithm /MAC-Schedualing for MIOT
[2]prepare war industry project of gimcheon city
[3]review the ETFA paper, Adapting SDN datacenters to support Cloud IIoT Applications
[4]study Data structures using C
-priority Queue, heap, and sorting
[5]interpret the code of MMS
[6]review the ETFA paper with jingYoung

This Week Todo's

[1]prepare seminar 0about "Fly by wireless"
[2]paper work
-submit {2} paper to IEIE journal
-update papar{1}
-study Reouting Algorithm /MAC-Schedualing for MIOT
[3]prepare war industry project of gimcheon city
[4]make a code for decoding of MMS_IoT
[5]study Data structures using C
-priority Queue, heap, and sorting

correction service
-Domestic Jounal No.8 : Dong-Seong Kim(김동성), H-S. Kil, "함정 전투 시스템의 분산 제어 통신망 기술", pp. 41-47, 한국정보통신학회 학회지 13권 2호, 2013(X)
->김동성, 허성길, "함정 전투 시스템의 분산 제어 통신망 기술", 한국정보통신학회 학회지 13권 2호, pp. 41-47, 2012
-Domestic Jounal No.11 : J.I.Lee and Dong-Seong Kim, " Dynamic Scheduling Method of Wireless Control System in Factory Environment", Vol. 45, No. 2, Journal of Korea Institute of Electronicalc Engineering, March 2008
->이정일, 김동성 "공장 환경에서의 무선 제어 시스템을 위한 센서네트워크의 동적 스케줄링 기법에 대한 연구", 대한전자공학회 전자공학회논문지-SC, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 45-54, 3월 2008

Project Progress

real-time MMS & war industry project of gimcheon city

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] prepare war industry project of gimcheon city
[2]make a code for decoding of MMS_IoT

This Week's Project

[1] prepare war industry project of gimcheon city
[2]make a code for decoding of MMS_IoT

Monthly Goals

1. study one book for Da using c++
2. submit the paper to IEIE

Annual Goals

1 publish the paper in SCI grade
2 get score level AL in OPIC
3 Learning C(done),C++(ing),Data Structures(ing),MFC