

8월 10, 2015 - 8월 16, 2015


Title: Retransmission Scheme of Error Correction using Fake Error Addition
Journal: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (IF: 1.986) - Revision

Title: Rate Adaptation Algorithm for Multicast Communication in Tactical Networks
Submitted to MILCOM (revised for camera ready)

Title: Faulty Node Detection with Interval Weighting Factor for Distributed Networked Systems
Journal: Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing - revision

100% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title: Retransmission Scheme of Error Correction using Fake Error Addition
Journal: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (IF: 1.986) - Revision

Title: Rate Adaptation Algorithm for Multicast Communication
Revised for MILCOM conference (deadline 26 August 2015).
Add Acknowledgment

Title: Faulty Node Detection with Interval Weighting Factor for Distributed Networked Systems
Journal: Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing - revision

This Week Todo's

Title: Retransmission Scheme of Error Correction using Fake Error Addition
Journal: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (IF: 1.986) - Revision
submit to journal

Title: Rate Adaptation Algorithm for Multicast Communication
Submit to MILCOM (camera ready)

Title: Faulty Node Detection with Interval Weighting Factor for Distributed Networked Systems
Journal: Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing - revision

Project Progress


0% Progress
Last Week's Project


This Week's Project


Monthly Goals

Finish to make simulation for Agi's paper and Agung's paper

Annual Goals

Submit minimum 2 journal papers and some International conferences.