Title 1. (Conf.) Enhanced Replication Scheme using Hot-Standby on Cluster vServer for Naval Combat System. (International Conference 2016)
Title 2. (Conf.) Performance Evaluation Multiple Server using Multi-Level Scheduling for Improving Network I/O on Virtualization Environment. (International Journal 2016)
Title 3. (Conf.) Advanced Network Recovery Scheme using Cluster Ethernet for Naval Combat System. (International Conference 2016)
Title 1.
-Design Cluster server on Naval Combat System with several requirement.
-Configure cluster server on naval combat system
Title 3.
-Learning algorithm of fault detection
Gathering and survey all of paper related to recovery network failures.
Title 1.
-Design Cluster server on Naval Combat System with several requirement.
-Configure cluster server on naval combat system.
-Gathering all the paper which is related to Replication scheme and Cluster.
Title 3.
-Learning algorithm of fault detection
Gathering and survey all of paper related to recovery network failures.
DDS SDN & Co-Work with MMS Team
-Waiting for first requirement
Co-Work with MMS Team:
-Sharing basic thing related MMS with internal team
-Setup environment for MMS Tools
-Waiting for first requirement
Co-Work with MMS Team:
-Setup environment for MMS Tools
[B] Finishing Title 1. (Conf.) Enhanced Replication Scheme using Hot-Standby on Cluster vServer for Naval Combat System.(International Conference 2015)
- Survey all paper regarding Replication Scheme
[B] Title 3. (Conf.) Advanced Network Recovery Scheme on Real-Time Cluster Ethernet for Naval Combat System (International Conference 2015)
-Learning several source code
1 Journal SCI papers and 3 conference papers