

9월 21, 2015 - 9월 27, 2015


Title 1. (A-Status: Accept with Minimal Changes)
Geographical Awareness Hybrid Routing Protocol in Mobile Adhoc Networks

Title 2. (B-Status: In preparation)
Scheduling for Inter-BAN Interference Mitigation in Wireless Body Area Networks

Title 3. (A-Status: In revision)
BEE: Bee-Inspired Algorithm for Zone Radius Determination in Independent Zone Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Title 4. (C-Status: Accepted)
Location Aided Zone Routing Protocol in MANETs

75% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1.
1. Status: Accepted with Minimal Changes
2. Submit revised version

Title 3.
1. Status: Major revision
2. Prepare response to reviews' comments and revised version

Title 4.
1. Status: Accepted
2. Report after attend ETFA conference

This Week Todo's

Title 3.
1. Prepare response to reviews' comments and revised version

Project Progress

Crankshaft deflection measure android application

70% Progress
Last Week's Project

Re-design for compatible with android 4.0 (continue)

This Week's Project

Re-design for compatible with android 4.0 (continue)

Monthly Goals

1. Simulate for new paper

Annual Goals

1. Submit one international journal and one international conference