

10월 12, 2015 - 10월 18, 2015


{1}Design and Performance Analysis of High Reliability MAC Protocol for Wireless Networks considering EMI/EMC Environment in Defense System(in preparation for thesis on Nov.)
{2}Technology and Direction for Building High-Reliable Wireless Aircraft Networks(in preparation for IEEK in this month)
{3}Cooperative Transmission Scheme for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (submission in IEEK on Sep.)

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] rewrite the {2} for IEEK
[2] find the IEEE802.15.3(UWB code)
[3] write the thesis{1}

This Week Todo's

[1] write the thesis{1}
[2] rewrite the {2} for IEEK
[3] find the ECMA-368(UWB code)

Project Progress


1% Progress
Last Week's Project

waiting for request

This Week's Project

waiting for request

Monthly Goals

1. study one book for Data Structures using c++
2. submit the paper to IEIE

Annual Goals

1 publish the paper in SCI grade
2 get score level AL in OPIC
3 Learning C(done),C++(ing),Data Structures(ing),MFC