

10월 26, 2015 - 11월 1, 2015


Title 1. (Conf.) Enhanced Replication Scheme using Hot-Standby on Cluster vServer for Naval Combat System. (International Conference 2016)
Title 2. (Journal) Performance Evaluation Multiple Server using Multi-Level Scheduling for Improving Network I/O on Virtualization Environment. (International Journal 2016)
Title 3. (Conf.) Advanced Network Recovery Scheme using Cluster Ethernet for Naval Combat System. (International Conference 2016)
Title 4. (Conf.) Manufacturing Message Specification based on MQTT. (Domestic Conference 2015)
Title 5. (Conf.) Utilizing the Network Throughput in Virtualization Environment using XenServer (WIITC 2015)
Title 6. (Conf.) Failure Detection and Recovery in DDS Communication for NCS (ICC 2016)

35% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 4. (Conf.) Manufacturing Message Specification based on MQTT. (Domestic Conference 2015)
-review paper
Title 5. (Conf.) Utilizing the Network Throughput in Virtualization Environment using XenServer (WIITC 2015)
Title 6. (Conf.) Failure Detection and Recovery in DDS Communication for NCS (ICC 2016)
-Making Title

This Week Todo's

Title 4. (Conf.) Manufacturing Message Specification based on MQTT. (Domestic Conference 2015)
-review paper
Title 5. (Conf.) Utilizing the Network Throughput in Virtualization Environment using XenServer (WIITC 2015)
-Make Poster
Title 6. (Conf.) Failure Detection and Recovery in DDS Communication for NCS (ICC 2016)
-Design system

Project Progress

DDS SDN & Co-Work with MMS Team & Virtualization

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Waiting for first requirement

Co-Work with MMS Team:
-Setup environment for MMS Tools.
-Walk in progress of MMS based on MQTT Documentation.

Co-work with Virtualization Team:
-Waiting for next requirement

This Week's Project

-Waiting for first requirement

Co-Work with MMS Team:
-Setup environment for MMS Tools.
-Walk in progress of MMS based on MQTT Documentation.

Co-work with Virtualization Team:
-Waiting for next requirement

Monthly Goals

[B] Finishing Title 1. (Conf.) Enhanced Replication Scheme using Hot-Standby on Cluster vServer for Naval Combat System.(International Conference 2015)
- Survey all paper regarding Replication Scheme
[C]Title 4. (Conf.) Manufacturing Message Specification based on MQTT. (Domestic Conference 2015)
-Finishing to write a paper
[C]Title 5. (Conf.) Utilizing the Network Throughput in Virtualization Environment using XenServer (WIITC 2015)
[C]Title 6. (Conf.) Failure Detection and Recovery in DDS Communication for NCS (ICC 2016)
-Finished within this week

Annual Goals

1 Journal SCI papers and 3 conference papers