[A] Title 1: Efficient Load Balancing for Multi-Controller in SDN based Mission-critical network.
[B] Title 2: Delay-aware Routing Scheme for Multi-Hop Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks.
[A] Title 1:
_ Revised Figure 1 and Figure 5.
_ Wrote part: "Load Condition Measurement on the controller".
[A] Title 1:
_ Add related papers to Related work.
_ Continue to write Priority Queuing part.
_ Continue to write Load Balancing algorithm.
[B] Title 2:
_ Prepare Poster for conference.
Android + IoT platform + DDS_SDN
1) Android: Finished to fix errors and finished the project.
2) IoT platform:
- Study about MMS + MQTT.
- Study MMS & MQTT code to implement it on Intel Edition board.
2) IoT platform:
- Continue to study about MMS + MQTT.
- Study MMS&MQTT code to implement it on Intel Edition board.
- Prepare slides for presentation.
+ Studying Java and simulation tool: Mininet
• 2 international conferences
• 1 international journal