

11월 9, 2015 - 11월 15, 2015


[A]: Title 1: Efficient Load Balancing for Multi-Controller in SDN based Mission-Critical Network.

[B]: Title 2: Delay-aware Routing Scheme for Multi-Hop Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks.

21% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[A]: Title 1:

_ Wrote and revised Dynamic and Adaptive Load Balancing Algorithm.

[B]: Title 2:

_ Prepared poster for WIITC conference.


_Reviewed paper for IEEE Trans Industrial Electronics.

This Week Todo's

[A]: Title 1:

_ Adding to related work.

_Continue to write Priority Queuing part.

_Continue to write Load Balancing Algorithm.

Project Progress

IoT Platform + DDS_SDN

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

IoT Platform:

_ Study about MMS + MQTT.
_ Study MMS code for communication between MMS client and MMS server.

This Week's Project

IoT Platform:

_ Continue to study about MMS + MQTT.
_ Continue to study MMS code for communication between MMS client and MMS server.

Monthly Goals

+ Studying Java and simulation tool: Mininet

Annual Goals

• 2 international conferences

• 1 international journal