paper research
1. 함정 전투시스템을 위한 실시간 임베디드 시스템의 이중화 설계 및 성능분석
2. Virtualized network infrastructure using OpenFlow
1. prepare electronic circuit experiment class
2. calculrate our lab money and salary
1. prepare electronic circuit experiment class
2. prepare conference
virturalization & create capstone design
- searching and learning the using Horizon client(VMware)
- configuration server environment for vmware horizon client
- get the information about new server
- make the presentation file
create capstone design
- get the information for order android product
- searching and learning the using Horizon client(VMware)
- make the presentation file(adding contents)
create capstone design
- wating new task
1. English Study
1. English study for presentation & free talking about foreigner
2. writhing to 1 paper