

12월 7, 2015 - 12월 13, 2015


[A]: Title 1: Efficient Load Balancing for Multi-Controller in SDN based Mission-Critical Network.

26% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[A]: Title 1:

_ Wrote Experiment Results: Experiment Setup.

_ Install OpenIRIS Controllers and Load Balancer and connect to OpenVswitches.

_ Create network topology in Mininet for simulation.

_ Programming priority queuing on load balancer.

This Week Todo's

[A]: Title 1:

_ Continue to write Experiment Results.

_ Continue to install OpenIRIS Controllers and Load Balancer and connect to OpenVswitches.

_ Continue to program priority queuing on load balancer.

Project Progress

Android + IoT platform

13% Progress
Last Week's Project

Android Project:

+ Finished to fix graph errors:

_ Change value scale in graph.

IoT platform:

+ Analyse MMS Encoder code.
+ Convert MMS Encoder code to that in Adruino.
+ Try to verify MMS Encoder code.

This Week's Project

IoT platform:

+ Analyse MMS Encoder code.
+ Continue to convert MMS Encoder code to that in Adruino.
+ Verify MMS Encoder code.

Monthly Goals

+ Studying Java and simulation tool: Mininet

Annual Goals

• 2 international conferences

• 1 international journal