

12월 14, 2015 - 12월 20, 2015


Title: Retransmission Scheme of Error Correction using Fake Error Addition
Journal: IET Communications

Title: Faulty Node Detection with Interval Weighting Factor for Distributed Networked Systems
Journal: IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications

Topic: DDS

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Finish Agi's and Agung paper (Faulty Node)
Finish Agi's paper (Faulty Node)
send the invitation letter and financial support for newcomer

find the equation for optimized the Heartbeat Period for DDS

This Week Todo's

give them training before come here.
submit agi's paper

Project Progress


60% Progress
Last Week's Project

Install visual micro into Intel Edison
try simple code
convert the code from C++ into arduino

Check the MQTT program for arduino

This Week's Project

make a application in android using MQTT
convert the code from C++ into arduino

Monthly Goals

Submit all journal and find the new idea for paper

Annual Goals

accepted to SCI papers