

6월 10, 2013 - 6월 17, 2013


[1] Real Time Recovery Scheme of Distributed Control Networks for Naval Combat Systems.
[2] Network Recovery Scheme on Switched Ethernet for Naval Combat System.
[3] Adaptive Cache Routing for Mitigating the Intermittent Connectivity in VANET

※ [3] is for prof.Shin lecture class.

75% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Read a at least 3 Journal paper relate with the seminar.
- Find a main problem and anchor paper.

This Week Todo's

- Prepare next seminar presentation .
>> Select paper : Title >> Intelligent OLSR Routing Protocol Optimization for VANETs.

- Study and Analysis.
- Make a presentation file.

Project Progress

Samsung Thales

70% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Team Meeting for distribution of duties.
- Searching and Data gathering of 'SDN Simulation' and 'Big Data'
- Start simulation about 'SDN Architecture'

This Week's Project

- Searching and Data gathering of 'SDN Simulation' and 'Big Data'
- Start simulation about 'SDN Architecture'

Monthly Goals

- Successfully complete a SDN Simulation.

Annual Goals

- Write down international Conference. 2 paper.
- Write down domestic Conference 2 paper.
- Individual research about 'VANET' for my final thesis.