

1월 4, 2016 - 1월 10, 2016


[1] Design and Implementation for Crankshaft Deflection Gauge based IoT Technology
(Ki-Hong Jeon, KIT gratuation paper, 2015.12)

100% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- worked for IoT project
: tried to add 'wifi communication' function in DAM_Control app
(using mqtt library for adnroid studio)
: modified final report

- worked for virtualization project
: makd virtualization system network with 2 servers and one shared storage
: server configuration
: NAS setting

- wrote paper for KICS winter conference
: submission complete

- studied for IoT entrnship abroad education program
: found some key business idea and made documents

This Week Todo's

- entrnship abroad education program
: visit stanford university
: visit Consumer Electronics Show

Project Progress

virtualization, IoT(MMS/MQTT)

75% Progress
Last Week's Project

- virtualization
: tried to make virtualization system network with 2 servers and one shared storage

- Micro MMS/MQTT
: wrote a final report
: found libraries and tried to use mqtt in micro mms-mqtt app

This Week's Project

-absent by entrnship abroad education program

Monthly Goals

1) understand failover functions in VMware and make small virtualization network

Annual Goals

1) write the paper for domestic conference(KICS)