

3월 7, 2016 - 3월 13, 2016


[1] Jeon Hong Ki, Im Ji Cheol, Kim Dong Seong* ,'A Design and Implementation for
Shaft Deflection Gauge based IoT Technology'

[2] Ji Wang, Weidong Bao, Xiaomin Zhu, Laurence T. Yang, and Yang Xiang,'FESTAL: Fault-Tolerant Elastic Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Tasks in Virtualized Clouds', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, VOL. 64, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2015

[3] W. Luo, X. Qin, X.-C. Tan, K. Qin, and A. Manzanares, “Exploiting edundancies to enhance schedulability in fault-tolerant and realtime istributed systems,” IEEE Trans. Syst., Man Cybern. A, Syst.Humans, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 626–639, May 2009.

35% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- prepared seminar
: Fault-Tolerant Elastic Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Tasks in Virtualized Clouds'

- worked for IoT project
: modified final report
(added references, images)

- worked for virtualization project
: VMware cluster reset
: found about 'hard disk raid'
: found switch models for clustering

This Week Todo's

- work for IoT project
: modify final report
: modify GUI(resizing)

- work for virtualization project
: VMware HA Test
: keep studying about 'hard disk raid'

Project Progress

virtualization, IoT(MMS/MQTT)

70% Progress
Last Week's Project

- worked for IoT project
: modified final report
(added references, images)

- worked for virtualization project
: VMware cluster reset
: found about 'hard disk raid'
: found switch models for clustering

This Week's Project

- work for IoT project
: modify final report
: modify GUI(resizing)

- work for virtualization project
: VMware HA Test
: keep studying about 'hard disk raid'

Monthly Goals

1) write paper for domestic journal

Annual Goals

1) write paper for international journal
2) write paper for international conference