

3월 7, 2016 - 3월 13, 2016


- DDS Node Discovery Scheme with Dynamic Bloom Filters (With Editor) (B)
- Enhanced Accumulative-Load Aware Routing in Software-Defined Networks (A)
- Light-weight Secure Multicast Agent for Military Software-Defined Networks (new idea)

95% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Enhanced Cumulative Load-Aware Routing in Software-Defined Networks (A)
Finish simulation source code according to professors's comments
Continue upgrade the paper to journal version

This Week Todo's

- Enhanced Cumulative Load-Aware Routing in Software-Defined Networks (A)
Continue upgrade the paper to journal version

Project Progress

Virtualization project

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Install VMware High Availability and test Fault Tolerance feature

This Week's Project

- Install VMware High Availability and test Fault Tolerance feature

Monthly Goals

-Finish to upgrade to journal paper

Annual Goals

- Master in Java