

3월 7, 2016 - 3월 13, 2016


Title 1. (A-Status: In preparation)
Scheduling for Inter-BAN Interference Mitigation in Wireless Body Area Networks

Title 2. (C-Status: In Submission)
BEE: Bee-Inspired Algorithm for Zone Radius Determination in Independent Zone Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Title 3. (C-Status: In preparation)
A Survey of 5G Network: Architecture and Emerging Techonologies

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2.
1. Edit reference part for submit again

Title 3.
1. Find some surveys about 5G network
2. Read this survey to find new research topic

This Week Todo's

Title 1.
1. Working on simulation (continue)

Title 2.
1. Submit again

Title 3.
1. Read this survey to find new research topic (continue)

Project Progress

Virtualization project

15% Progress
Last Week's Project

Divided task for create cluster and check high availability with VMware
(1 of power supply of a server was broken so we wait until it is fixed)

This Week's Project

If the problem is solved, we will do the task and make report

Monthly Goals

1. Simulate for new paper

Annual Goals

1. Submit one international journal and one international conference