

1월 2, 2013 - 1월 8, 2013


Maksumov Bakir

Time Synchronization Method of ISA 100.11a Network: Firefly approach (CEIC 2012).

Improving the time synchronization method of ISA 100.11a network; Firefly approach

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Time Synchronization Method of ISA 100.11a Network: Firefly approach (CEIC 2012).
-Update paper content
-OPNET simulation improvement.

Improving the time synchronization method of ISA 100.11a network; Firefly approach.
-Review the similar paper.
-Abstract, Introduction, System model.

This Week Todo's

-Search and read related research papers.
-Finish OPNET simulation perfectly.
-start new simulation.
-Study english.IELTS preparation.

Project Progress

MDMS Project

80% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Add combox CSCI, CSU to user application.
-Finish Message List, Message type, Sub Type functions.
-Create search function in the application.
-Research Multithreat.

This Week's Project

Finish the project and to test all function of application.

Monthly Goals

Project work finished 100%
Get new topics
Finish OPNET simulation.

Annual Goals

publish at least 1 international conference paper
finish the thesis
continue study