

3월 28, 2016 - 4월 3, 2016


[1] A Design and Realization of Distribute Message Management Scheme for Naval Combat System (Journal of ICROS)
[2] Performance Evaluation of Virtualization Solution for Next Generation Naval Combat System(Journal of IEEK)
[3] Performance Analysis of Virtualization Scheme for Naval Combat System(ICCSP)

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-contributions and descriptions of TSCE

-waiting reviewer coments and reply

This Week Todo's

-Edit paper depend on reviewer coments
-requirement of virtualization for naval combat system from US navy and Thales.

Project Progress

Software Log Debugging Tool

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

Edit class diagram included additional requirements.
- include explanation about class more detatil things
- Message_Rule, Socket_Init, Rx, Tx, Agent_Filter, Watcher_Fileter, Req_Data, Read_Text, Write_Text

Merge the source code from each other.
-Search, txt file open and save, UDP communication
Test and debugging the app.

This Week's Project

Merge the source code from each other.
-Solve some problems of UDP communication(group management)

Make Functions depend on Events using MFC
-Initialize Node
-Show Logsearching results

Monthly Goals

Finish make prototype of project.
Prepare abt ICCSP.

Annual Goals

Finish Software Log Debugging Tool project.