

4월 18, 2016 - 4월 24, 2016


Title 1: Energy-Aware Routing Scheme in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks for Internet of Things. (ETFA 2016)
Title 2: Rate-Estimation Based Relay Selection Scheme for Large-Scale Wireless Networks. (IET Communications)
Title 3: TDMA-Based Efficient Cooperative Relaying Selection Scheme in Multi-hop Wireless Network. (Wireless Networks)

15% Progress
Last Week's Progress

A. Title 1:
A.1. submitting to ETFA 2016.
B. Title 2:
B.1. awaiting the result of my revised paper (status: Under review).
C. Title 3:
C.1. awaiting the result (status: Under review)
D. Learning Java, UML with objects and components (for Object Oriented Programming).

This Week Todo's

A. Title 1:
A.1. awaiting the result from ETFA 2016.
A.2. considering the proposed scheme in more industrial applications.
A.3. upgrading to the journal paper.
B. Title 2:
B.1. awaiting the result of my revised paper (status: Under review).
C. Title 3:
C.1. awaiting the result (status: Under review)
D. Learning Java, UML with objects and components (for Object Oriented Programming).
E. Investigating the eligible journal paper for the next lab seminar (5G, IoT).

Project Progress

NUC project

12% Progress
Last Week's Project

o Preparing documents for NUC project.

This Week's Project

o Preparing documents for NUC project.

Monthly Goals

• Finishing the weekly aims.
• Finishing the subject successfully in all semesters.

Annual Goals

• 2 international journals.