

4월 25, 2016 - 5월 1, 2016


1. Real Time Military IoT System (Real-time Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication using Wireless Sensor Networks in a Battlefield )
2. Distributed Control System for Ship Engines Using Dual Fieldbus percentntage

0% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- review existing techniques of vehicle to vehicle communication (VANET)
- Add more references
- checking the previous references

This Week Todo's

- continue to review existing techniques of vehicle to vehicle communication and identify its merits
and demerits.
- Streaming

Project Progress

Monitoring the Quality of Water through Wireless Sensor Networks percentntage

15% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Presentation on the new interface
- Modifying Database Design based on comments

This Week's Project

- Presentation
- codding the database Quality Monitoring portal

Monthly Goals

- Finalize Reviwing the existing techniques of VANET
- Finalize Distributed Control System for Ship Engines Using Dual Fieldbus

Annual Goals

- 1 international journal
- 1 international conferences