

4월 25, 2016 - 5월 1, 2016


[1] A Design and Realization of Distribute Message Management Scheme for Naval Combat System (Journal of ICROS)
[2] Performance Evaluation of Virtualization Solution for Next Generation Naval Combat System(Journal of IEEK)

75% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] Edit paper upto reviewr coments.
- previous work
- problem formulation
- description of proposed algorithm
- future work

This Week Todo's

[1] Edit paper upto reviewr coments.
- change the graph
- include more description of MOMAT instead of DDS
- descriptions of couter value in proposed algorithm
- include reference

Project Progress

Software Log Debugging Tool

75% Progress
Last Week's Project

Meeting with Thales researchers.
- report our result program(console version)
- made additional requirement lists
- made new UML for modulation

This Week's Project

Make new UML for modulation
Make UDP transmission algorithm using index
Classify the source code depend on new UML
(AgtInforMsg, AgtLogData, RcvMsg, MsgPacket, SndMsg, ManageUserOrder, InitSocket, LogFileManager, DebuggingFilter)

Monthly Goals

Finish make prototype of project.

Annual Goals

Finish Software Log Debugging Tool project.
Internaltional Journal about virtualization.