

5월 2, 2016 - 5월 8, 2016


Title 1: Energy-Aware Routing Scheme in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks for Internet of Things. (ETFA 2016)
Title 2: Rate-Estimation Based Relay Selection Scheme for Large-Scale Wireless Networks. (IET Communications)
Title 3: TDMA-Based Efficient Cooperative Relaying Selection Scheme in Multi-hop Wireless Network. (SpringerPlus)

3% Progress
Last Week's Progress

A. Title 1:
A.1. awaiting the result from ETFA 2016.
A.2. considering the proposed scheme in more industrial applications.
A.3. upgrading to the journal paper:
• Z. Huang, K. J. Lin, C. Li, and S. Zhou, “Communication energy aware sensor selection in iot systems,” in IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings), Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom 2014) and Cyber-Physical-Social Computing (CPSCom 2014), Sept 2014, pp. 235–242.
• S.-H. Park, S. Cho, and J.-R. Lee, “Energy-efficient probabilistic routing algorithm for internet of things,” Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 2014, p. 7, 2014. [Online]. Available:
B. Title 2:
B.1. awaiting the result of my revised paper (status: Under review).
C. Title 3:
C.1. awaiting the result (status: Transfer).
C.2. considering revievers’ comments.
D. Learning Java, UML with objects and components (for Object Oriented Programming).
E. Picking up the eligible paper for the lab seminar:
• Jingwu Cui, Jianxin Chen and Baoyu Zheng, “Energy-aware distributed for multimedia streaming over Internet of things”, International Journal Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 13, 2014.

This Week Todo's

A. Title 1:
A.1. awaiting the result from ETFA 2016.
A.3. upgrading to the journal paper:
• Juan Luo, Di Wu, Chen Pan and Junli Zha, “Optimal Energy Strategy for Node Selection and Data Relay in WSN-based IoT”, Mobile Networks and Applications, 2015.
B. Title 2:
B.1. awaiting the result of my revised paper (status: Under review).
C. Title 3:
C.1. awaiting the result (status: Transfer).
C.2. considering revievers’ comments.
D. Reviewing the paper for ETFA 2016. (Dealine: 2016/5/10)
E. Picking up the eligible paper for the lab seminar:
• Juan Luo, Di Wu, Chen Pan and Junli Zha, “Optimal Energy Strategy for Node Selection and Data Relay in WSN-based IoT”, Mobile Networks and Applications, 2015 (IF: 1.045).

Project Progress

NUC project

14% Progress
Last Week's Project

o Preparing documents for NUC project.

This Week's Project

o Preparing documents for NUC project.

Monthly Goals

• Finishing the weekly aims.
• Finishing the subject successfully in all semesters.

Annual Goals

• 2 international journals.