

5월 2, 2016 - 5월 8, 2016


Title 1: Survey of Multicast Routing Algorithm and Protocols.
Title 2: Recursive Position Estimation on Sensor Networks.
Title 3: Improve the Robustness of Range-Free Localization Methods on Wireless Sensor Networks using Recursive Position Estimation Algorithm.
Title 4: Controller Arrangement in SDN Using Recursive Position Estimation.

11% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
_ Finished reading the paper.
Title 2:
_ Finished reading the paper.
Title 3:
_ Started reading the paper.

This Week Todo's

Title 3:
_ continue to read the paper.
Title 4:
_will propose this research title.

Project Progress

Water quality monitoring for home

11% Progress
Last Week's Project

Started to integrate database and the web application.

This Week's Project

Continue to integrate database and the web application.

Monthly Goals

- Get at least 1 title for new research work.
- Read more related papers to look for ideas to write new papers.
- Learn mininet, ONOS, and Korean language.

Annual Goals

• 1 international journal.
• 2 international conferences.