

5월 16, 2016 - 5월 22, 2016


1. 가상화 기술 기반의 함정 전투 시스템 설계
2. Environment-Aware Virtual Slice Provisioning in Green Cloud Environment

15% Progress
Last Week's Progress


This Week Todo's

[1] rewriting unmatched word in abstract part, and reading introduction part

[2] reading introduction

Project Progress


50% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Researching ByteStream format encoding
: study kind of Stream
: study kind of Encoding
: study arithmetic cording

- Searching RDP code include the encoding scheme
: searching java code
: searching C++ code
: analysis code

This Week's Project

- Researching RDP code include the encoding scheme
: analysis code

Monthly Goals

1. searching paper for seminar
2. reading paper for seminar

Annual Goals

1. get English score for graduation