

5월 23, 2016 - 5월 29, 2016


[1] R. Lychev; S. Jero; A. Boldyreva; C. Nita-Rotaru , "How Secure and Quick is QUIC? Provable Security and Performance Analyses" 2015 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy Year: 2015 Pages: 214 - 231, DOI: 10.1109/SP.2015.21

[2] Dwi Agung Nugroho, Syamsul Rizal, Dong-Seong Kim, "Reconstruct unrecoverable data in real-time networks using Bézier curve"

[3] Syamsul Rizal and Dong-Seong Kim, "Image Transmission in Military Network Using Bézier Curve"

[4] 김동성, 이주원, "실시간 통신망을 위한 비지어 곡선 기반 영상 데이터 압축 기법", 제어로봇
시스템학회 국내학술대회 논문집, 2014.5, 242-243 (2 pages)

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- took part in world IT Show 2016 (mon~tues)
: booth staff
: made movie for exhibition

- virtualization(from hanwha thales) project

- studied papers ([1], [2], [3], [4])

- studied C++ and image compression

This Week Todo's

- prepare a seminar

- prepare a presentation for military m&s

- virtualization project
: set a role of API development
: analyze RDP code
: connect to server and read vm list

Project Progress


20% Progress
Last Week's Project

- studied C++ and image precessing code
: huffman compression

- analyzed jpeg image compression code

- did presentation (RDP Research)

- studied about bezier curve
: studied paper [2], [3], [4]

This Week's Project

- set a role of API development

- analyze a RDP code

- 1st goal
: connect to server and read VM list

Monthly Goals

1) write paper for domestic journal
2) choose a subject for graduation paper

Annual Goals

1) write paper for international journal
2) write paper for international conference