

6월 7, 2016 - 6월 13, 2016


[1] J. Ni, Y. Huang, Z. Luan, J. Zhang, and D. Qian, “Virtual machine
mapping policy based on load balancing in private cloud environment,”
in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Cloud Service Comput., 2011, pp. 292–

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- studied papers ([1])

- went to po hang for watching war-game

- virtualization project
: modified use case diagram
: made class diagram
: studied UML, MVC pattern, C#
: made flow chart

This Week Todo's

- virtualization project
: make sequence diagram
: report & presentation (progress and future works)
: study C#

Project Progress

virtualization (VM&Host management program)

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

- made flow chart
- modified use-case diagram
- studied C#
- studied about MVC pattern
- installed windows server 2016

This Week's Project

- make sequence diagram
- study C#
- report & presentation (progress and future works)

Monthly Goals

1) write paper for domestic journal
2) choose a subject for graduation paper

Annual Goals

1) write paper for domestic journal
2) write paper for international conference