

6월 13, 2016 - 6월 19, 2016


고신뢰성 무선 항공네트워크를 위한 무선통신망 기술 성능 분석(Performance Evaluation of Wireless Communication Technology for Reliability Wireless Communication for Aircraft)

0% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Real Time Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks for Industrial Cyber-Physical System
- continue to read
2. A Recommender System Architecture for Predictive Telecom Network Management

This Week Todo's

1. Preparing to present for conference

2. Real Time Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks for Industrial Cyber-Physical System
- continue to read

Project Progress

virtualization (VM&Host management program)

33% Progress
Last Week's Project

- researched WMI class

- modified use-case diagram

- checked a requirement again
: user authority
: the number of VM which can be used my 1 user
: etc ...

- installed windows server 2016
: research a path-through function for GPU

This Week's Project

- finish researching about WMI class

- make class diagram

- research a path-through function for GPU
: minimum requirement for GPU path-through

- run example code of VM load, cpu usage gauging
: to make a prototype code

- role assignment for new members

Monthly Goals

1) write paper for domestic journal
2) choose a subject for graduation paper

Annual Goals

1) write paper for domestic journal
2) write paper for international conference