

6월 20, 2016 - 6월 26, 2016


1. 고신뢰성 무선 항공네트워크를 위한 무선통신망 기술 성능 분석(Performance Evaluation of Wireless Communication Technology for Reliability Wireless Communication for Aircraft)

2. Matching Theory for Future Wireless Networks: Fundamentals and Applications

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Real Time Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks for Industrial Cyber-Physical System
- continue to read
2. A Recommender System Architecture for Predictive Telecom Network Management

This Week Todo's

1. 고신뢰성 무선 항공네트워크를 위한 무선통신망 기술 성능 분석(Performance Evaluation of Wireless Communication Technology for Reliability Wireless Communication for Aircraft)
- submit /prepare to present at KICS

2. Matching Theory for Future Wireless Networks: Fundamentals and Applications
- preparing the lab seminar

Project Progress

Study C++(MFC)

0% Progress
Last Week's Project

Study MFC(C++)
- Practice to use the basic functions using MFC (at least up to chapter 35)

This Week's Project

Study MFC(C++)
- Practice to use the basic functions using MFC (at least up to chapter 35)

Monthly Goals

Study C++
- Practice to use the basic functions using MFC
- Review the previous chapters

Annual Goals

Study "TOEIC"