

6월 20, 2016 - 6월 26, 2016


Title 1: Design of Electrocardiogram Device based on Body Area Network.
Title 2: SDN Architeture.
Title 3: Design of Circular SDN Architecture.
Title 4: Robust Localization Technique for SDN Controller Distribution on Industrial Network Application.
Confrence: ICC 2017, Paris, France
Journal: TBD

20% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
_ will attend the conference in Jeju and present the paper.
Title 2, 3:
_ Read the paper
Title 4:
_ Rewrote introduction (not finished yet).
_ Wrote Related works.
_ Added reference

This Week Todo's

Title 4:
_ Continue to write introduction.
_ Continue to related works.
_ Add more references.
Title x:
_ Look for other papers to read.

Project Progress

Water quality monitoring for homes

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

Studied MMS

This Week's Project

Continue to study MMS.

Monthly Goals

- Read more related papers to look for ideas to write new papers.
- Learn mininet, Floodlight, and Korean language.

Annual Goals

• 1 international journal.
• 2 international conferences.