

July 4, 2016 - July 10, 2016


Title 1: An Energy-Efficient Routing for Internet of Things. (Journal)
Title 2: TDMA-Based Efficient Cooperative Relaying Selection Scheme in Multi-hop Wireless Network. (Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing)
Title 3: Cooperative Relay Selection Scheme in 5G Heterogeneous Wireless Networks.

5% Progress
Last Week's Progress

A. Title 1:
A.1. submitting the final version to ETFA 2016.
A.2. making the conference registration.
B. Title 2:
B.1. awaiting the result (status: Under Review).
C. Title 3:
C.1. investigating theories of cellular technologies.
C.2. reading two reference papers:
• M. Olsson, C. Cavdar, P. Frenger, S. Tombaz, D. Sabella, R. Jantti, “5GrEEn: Towards Green 5G Mobile Networks”, International Workshop on Green Optimized Wireless Networks, 2013.
• Panagiotics Demestichas, Andreas Georgakopoulos, Dimitrios Karvounas, Kostas Tasgkaris, Vera Stavroulaki, Jianmin Lu, Chunshan Xiong, Jing Yao, “5G on the Horizon”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 2013.

This Week Todo's

A. Title 1:
A.1. modifying the introduction.
A.2. finding the suitable journal for submission
B. Title 2:
B.1. awaiting the result (status: Under Review).
C. Title 3:
C.1. investigating theories of cellular technologies.
C.2. reading two reference papers:
• Qian Xu, Pinyi Ren, Houbing Song, and Qinghe Du, “Security Enhancement for IoT Communications Exposed to Eavedroppers with Uncertain Locations”, IEEE Access, 2016.

Project Progress

Artech project

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

o Attending the meeting with Artech.
o Preparing the lecture notes for the programming class.

This Week's Project

o Preparing cloud computing for the next meeting.
o Preparing the lecture notes for the programming class.

Monthly Goals

• Finishing the weekly aims.
• Finishing the subject successfully in all semesters.

Annual Goals

• 2 international journals.