

7월 11, 2016 - 7월 17, 2016


Title: Retransmission Scheme of Error Correction using Fake Error Addition (ReSubmitted)
Journal: IET Communications
Status: Rejected and Resubmission

Title: Faulty Node Detection with Interval Weighting Factor for Distributed Networked Systems
Journal: Journal of Network and Computer Application

100% Progress
Last Week's Progress

change the format into elsevier template
editting book
Make simulation for paper no. 1

This Week Todo's

recheck the paper before submitting about plagiarism
submit the paper
finish paper no.1

Project Progress


20% Progress
Last Week's Project

Discuss about Cloud Computing and Google Brilo
Discuss about Optical module

This Week's Project

Discuss more detail about optical module
find the existing smart optical module

Monthly Goals

Submit all journal and find the new idea for paper

Annual Goals

accepted to SCI papers