

7월 25, 2016 - 7월 31, 2016


[1] 비대칭 다중접속기법 기반 전술 무선 통신망의 성능개선
(Asymmetric Time Division Multiple Access Method for Performance Enhancement of Tactical Radio Communication)

61% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] 비대칭 다중접속기법 기반 전술 무선 통신망의 성능개선
(Asymmetric Time Division Multiple Access Method for Performance Enhancement of Tactical Radio Communication)
- Check the original thesis paper and find some paper about the benchmark between CSMA/CA and TDMA.
- Change current of the paper to have the logic.

This Week Todo's

[1] 비대칭 다중접속기법 기반 전술 무선 통신망의 성능개선
(Asymmetric Time Division Multiple Access Method for Performance Enhancement of Tactical Radio Communication)
- Check the original thesis paper and find some paper about the benchmark between CSMA/CA and TDMA.
- Change current of the paper to have the logic. (continue)

Project Progress

DDS Debugging Tool, Logging Monitoring Tool, Competition(NSLB)

56% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] DDS Debugging Tool
- Stop for Logging Monitoring Tool.

[2] Logging Monitoring Tool
- Make GUI control class, such as treeview, docking, logviewer.

[3] Competition(NSLB)
- Make a usecase about tizen and android application.

This Week's Project

[1] DDS Debugging Tool
- Stop for Logging Monitoring Tool.

[2] Logging Monitoring Tool
- Make GUI control class, such as treeview, docking, logviewer. (continue)

[3] Competition(NSLB)
- Make a classdiagram about tizen and android application.
- Study tizen tool, such as eclipse, tizen web widget(using html, js, css).

Monthly Goals

[1] C++ class study
[2] Study English

Annual Goals

[1] Complete the project until this year
[2] Study English