

1월 28, 2013 - 2월 3, 2013


Do Duy Tan

1. Dynamic Traffic-Aware Routing Algorithm for Multi-Sink Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks
2. A Distributed Cooperative Scheme for Multi-hop Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
3. Distributed Relay Assignment with Interference Mitigation for Wireless Cooperative Networks

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Read papers:
1. Cooperation in Random Access Networks - Protocol Design and Performance Analysis, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Oct 2012

Submit the paper:
Dynamic Traffic-Aware Routing Algorithm for Multi-Sink Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks

This Week Todo's

Read papers:
1. Distributed Protocols for Interference Management in Cooperative Networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Oct 2012

Write papers:
1. A Distributed Cooperative Scheme for Multi-hop Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
2. Distributed Relay Assignment with Interference Mitigation for Wireless Cooperative Networks

Project Progress

Samsung Thales Project

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

This Week's Project

Monthly Goals

Annual Goals