

8월 8, 2016 - 8월 14, 2016


[1] Performance Evaluation of Virtualization Scheme for Next Generation Naval Combat System Development Tool(Journal of ICROS)

95% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- edit analysis of supported function abt control
- Baremetal hypervisor, VM DirectPath I/O.
- built-in fire-wall, console monitoring.

This Week Todo's

- edit performance evaluation part.
- Message transmission on DDS and Benchmark Tool.

Project Progress

Software Log Debugging Tool

35% Progress
Last Week's Project

- study abt Refactoring
(duplicated conde, long method).
- set up the GUI icon and color.
- make additional requirements document through meeting with thales researchers.

This Week's Project

- study abt Refactoring
(large class, long parameter list, divergent change).
- set up the GUI theme.
(Windows XP, Visual Studio, Office blue, Office black, Office silver, Office aqua)

Monthly Goals

Finish prototype of Software Log Debugging Tool GUI version.

Annual Goals

Finish Software Log Debugging Tool project.
Set up DDS monitoring project.
Internaltional Journal about virtualization.