

8월 16, 2016 - 8월 22, 2016


[A]: Title 1: "Efficient Load Balancing for Multi-Controller in SDN-based Mission-Critical Network".

[B]: Title 2: "Survey on Multicast Routing Protocols in Software-Defined Networks".

[C]: Title 3: "Reliable and Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks".

49% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Update Part.III. Scalability and Reliability.
- Add three reference papers.
1. "Streaming Multicast Video over Software-Defined Networks".
2. "SDM Cast an OpenFlow-based Software-Defined Scalable Multimedia Multicast Streaming Framework".
3. "The zettabyte era: Trends and Analysis".
- Under review process (IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering).

This Week Todo's

- Read reference paper: "VefiFlow: Verifying Network-Wide Invariants in Real Time" for getting idea.

- Continue to update the paper.

- Read the paper to prepare for seminar.
The paper: "Demonstration of Virtualizeable and Software-Defined Optical Transceiver".

- Wait for the result.

Project Progress

Virtualization+ Artech + Android + IoT Platfom

40% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Artech project:

_ Read the paper: "Advanced DSP Techniques Enabling High Spectral Efficiency and Flexible Transmissions" and prepare for the presentation.

2. Virtualization:

_ Research on VDI client GUI.

3. Android:

_ Wait for next assignment.

4. IoT platform:

_ Pub/Sub successfully data using MQTT protocol on Intel Edison board.

_ Analyse MMS code to combine with MQTT.

This Week's Project

1. Artech project:

_ Continue preparing for the presentation.

2. Virtualization:

_ Research on VDI client GUI.

3. Android:

_ Wait for next assignment.

4. IoT platform:

_ Pub/Sub successfully data using MQTT protocol on Intel Edison board.

_ Analyse MMS code to combine with MQTT.

Monthly Goals

+ Studying programming language: Java.
+ Read reference papers to write the paper.

Annual Goals

• 2 international conferences
• 1 international journal